Friday 24 May 2013

Humanitarian intervention - mission failed - Yo-U-s

Enough is enough. Admittedly, you cannot control every single thing or feeling even in case that it seems going smoothly. Of course, it is a big deal if you have tried. A much promising challenge. Without having tried you would always regret. So, as far as this aspect is concerned, you deserve reward. No matter from whom. Even a personal one; self-satisfaction. Pressure by many things shall have made you focus on them and you, you were stuck in an unfulfilled situation, a dream, an utopia. I do not care if you were close enough. You were. You are not now. I do not care who destroyed or at least 'stopped' it. Not you? So what? Someone did and the result counts. Try to be a realist. If it is meant to happen, it will. Actually, it is not a matter of God's intervention or stuff like that; everything's connected with humans. But that's the problem. It may be wonderful living in a world with diversity, but this simultaneously implies variety of opinions, different mentality and behaviours. It's lovely, isn't it? Indeed. But, unfortunately, sometimes egoism is over us; even for a while. Alright, you have realised that it will not happen. Great. That was NOT your initial purpose. It was not. The other soul gave the stimulus, the trigger. You accepted that because you did not have anything to lose. It is a matter of humankind to try. The problem was the spontaneity. And not only that; the abrupt change of everything, without knowing the reasons. You may have known one or two of them, however there still was something hidden.

Deep breath, time passes, you do not forget. You just try to overcome obsession. Not love. A provoked obsession. And suddenly you meet other people who were so close to you, but never had the chance to explore them. You get totally fascinated. It may be a new obsession. This one does not have the provocative points and words, but nevertheless it is real, very stable, very modest. You begin to hope, to wish. Everything gets better day by day. And then again the triangle situation. Between people you like, you admire, you estimate. You cannot intervene, we cannot intervene. I will not.

The unfair in this situation is the genesis of new sentiments, which can not be enjoyed due to old repressions. Friends, Freunde, Amis, Amigos, Φίλοι: this is stressful, profitless, painful. Of course, remember the past, keep your memories, love people you used to be with. However, under no circumstances should you allow these feelings (not to 'ruin' your life - this is exceeding - ) but to deprive you from new experiences. I think I have managed to overcome this weakness. To be honest, I never let it affect me. Something to feel proud after all. Thus, I, you, we, no matter who actually keep in mind that new things need to be tasted, do not hesitate. Throw away malevolent thoughts and memories, live life. Be open-minded, alternative, sensible and sensitive, romantic, optimistic. Carpe diem, carpe noctem. Memento vivere.

PS No matter the end of this bilateral or maybe multilateral relationship, do not forget that I estimate all of you. Cross the distance. Friendship is splendid.


  1. Πολυ δυναμικο κειμενο. βγαζει εντονο συναισθημα αλλα και αποφασιστηκοτητα. φαινεται πως πηρες δηλαδη τη σωστη αποφαση και ειναι καλο που ξεκαθαριζεις πως η φιλια μπορει να ειναι πανω απο ολα

  2. Ωω, ευχαριστώ.

    Ναι, νομίζω πως είναι ευδιάκριτο το προσωπικό στοιχείο, αλλά συνήθως παρά την ατομικότητα που εκπέμπεται, τα συνειρμικά δοκίμια δύνανται να μετουσιωθούν σε καθενός σκέψη και να αντιπροσωπεύσουν καθενός τα αισθήματα. Αυτός είναι και ένας από τους λόγους που γράφονται, άλλωστε, έτσι; Είναι εκπληκτικό πως κάτι το τόσο ειδικό μπορεί να προσεγγίσει κόσμο και να καταλήξει γενικό και αόριστο.
